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Successfully exceeded 24%, the mass production efficiency of DMEGC Solar PERC cells created a new record!

Recently, confirmed by National Institute of Metrology, China., the highest efficiency of DMEGC Solar’s mass production P-type PERC cells have successfully exceeded 24.01%, and this is the industry highest level of PERC cell efficiency under the main mass production equipment, materials and process.

The mass production efficiency is the primary competitiveness indicator of photovoltaic cells. DMEGC Solar’s technology team has always focused on the improvement of mass production efficiency, continued to carry out R&D and testing of mass production equipment, materials optimization and production process, continuously introduced innovative technological achievements into mass production to achieve continuous improvement of cells mass production efficiency.

The high-efficiency cell with a mass production efficiency exceeded 24% is the most mainstream and competitive large-size P-type PERC monocrystalline bifacial cell in the industry. DMEGC Solar’s technology team has successfully implemented a series of latest technologies such as "optimized design of front/back electrodes", "paste matching contact transmission", "texture light trapping structure", "diffusion doping and film passivation", etc. After in-depth matching and process improvement, the latest technologies have been fully and efficiently introduced to the digital production line of 5G future factory in Hengdian, realized the comprehensive improvement of various I-V parameters and a successful upward breakthrough in efficiency of mass production cells.

“Large-size PERC cell still have a certain potential for efficiency improvement and we will continue to carry out the technology R&D and optimization in materials, processes and other aspects to promote the continuous improvement of the cells mass production efficiency, try to approach the theoretical limit of 24.5% efficiency of PERC cells. Drive the cost reduction of PV power generation with leading technology.” said the head of DMEGC Solar technology team.

While continuously improving the mass production efficiency, consolidating the market advantages of P-type PERC technology, DMEGC Solar also actively carry out the product R&D and mass production layout planning for next-generation technologies such as P-IBC and N-Topcon. In combination with technology R&D, process optimization, equipment maturity and market expansion, we will steadily expand the new cells and modules capacity of N-Topcon and P-IBC, continuously provide customers with more efficient and cost-effective products.